FileMaker Pro Advanced – Standardization. What is it? And why you should do it. – YouTube

FileMaker Pro Advanced – Standardization. What is it? And why you should do it. – YouTube.

Hi, I’m Don Clark of FileMaker Pro bringing you FileMaker tips combined with savvy business advice.

On today’s FileMakerPro Gurus Quick video we’re going to talk about Standardization- What is it? Why should you do it?

Standardization is process of organizing your code and development practices so that another developer – or yourself if you revisit your code after months or years away – can easily get oriented and figure out why, how, and where you did what you did.

Now, why should you spend the time to standardize? Two reasons.

The first reason is – and I will guarantee this will happen to you – someday you will look at your code and say “Why the heck did I do that?” If you standardize, you won’t ask that question ever again – the answers will be right there in front of you.

Secondly, standardization is a critical part of systematizing your work flow – and you want to systematize everything you can as part of mastering what you do.

So, set a goal now to standardize your naming conventions, scripting organization, commenting, table occurrences and more.

Learn all about standardization at (point to link)

And if you liked this video and want to see more, don’t forget to “like” it and to subscribe to my youtube channel. The buttons are at the top of the screen.

Thanks, and I’ll see you next time.

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