UX Design, Button Bar Techniques Part 3, Reputation Building
UX Design
Susan Prosser, President DBHQ, LLC, presented on Frictionless UX Hacks at FileMaker DevCon 2016. Her focus is on UX Design through building great communication skills for use during the entire project.
The focus of her presentation in flow/enchantment, the last 10% you need to build to make your software really easy to use.
Button Bar Techniques Part 3
Thomas H. Meglasson III uses the Button Bar’s calculation engine in very imaginative ways: This time he is formatting text:
FileMaker has functions that will let you resize text. It also has functions that will help you get the size of a layout object. With those two bits of information you can automatically resize text to fit within a given object.
No download, but he does have an elegant Let statement you can copy and paste into a button bar. Check it out at the link.
Source: Button Bar Techniques! Part 3: Dynamic Text Resizing in FileMaker – App.Works
Three things to keep in mind about your reputation
Seth Godin on your reputation:
- Your reputation has as much impact on your life as what you actually do.
- Early assumptions about you are sticky and are difficult to change.
- The single best way to maintain your reputation is to do things you’re proud of. Gaming goes only so far.
Godin always has an interesting take, and this post is no different, especially with technical people:
They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression, but what most people do is make no impression at all.
Watch your reputation, build it, and be ready to shine when the time is right.
Speak when you are angry–and you will make the best speech you’ll ever regret.
Laurence J. Peter
US educator & writer (1919 – 1988)
September 22, 2016 @ 9:20 am
Thanks for posting the link to my session!
September 22, 2016 @ 10:19 am
You’re welcome, Susan! I listened to it once, but need to do it again, this time taking notes. There was a lot of good information in there. Thanks for sharing!
I’ve a back log on developer interviews to process, but at some point early next year I’d like to do an interview with you for FileMakerProGurus. Would you be interested?