Dragon Dictate, Confidence, Torn Rotator Cuff, and 16,000 visits

Dragon Dictate for Mac I’ve been experimenting with Dragon Dictate on my Mac the last couple weeks. It’s an incredibly powerful program and I’m just beginning to get comfortable with it.  Which is a good thing, since I had the rotator cuff  on my left shoulder reattached a couple days ago. Typing is a bit of a […]


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  1. Lee Smith: I have used Dragon for several years, and it can be extremely helpful when you can not use your hands…

  2. Tim Ballering: Have you played with Google's new dictation in Docs. I like the formatting tools. Here is a decent overview: http://mashable.com/2015/09/02/google-docs-voice-typing/#L8.HyW0r0GqQ…

    • Don Clark: Hello Tim, I didn't know Google had a dictation tool and docs. I'll be sure to check it out. Thanks…

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