Script Workspace, FileMaker Help, Process Improvement, CamCard, and more.
Jeremy Brown of Soliant covers the new changes in FileMaker 15’s Script Workspace in this 8:15 video:
You may have heard that FileMaker Help is now delivered as a web service, hosted by FileMaker.
And if you haven’t tried it, it is much faster than earlier versions.
What you may not know is that FileMaker Help is also available to be downloaded and installed locally (this would help someone without internet access). Find out more here.
Dwayne Wright looks for the little things to improve processes and save time:
Lets say a change streamlines the data entry process for a record by 15 seconds, you might consider this too small to register as “significant”. However, what about the aggregate? Let’s say that we have 200 new records a day and 260 working days in the year. That brings us up to 52,000 seconds a year saved for the data entry process alone. Again, we are not talking about an amazing amount of time because that only equates to 14 hours saved per year but the change only took 5 minutes to accomplish. Any business will jump at the chance to have 14 hours of work saved with an overall investment of 5 minutes of process tweaking.
Always be on the lookout for the small things that save a lot of time.
Source: FileMaker: Little Things That Influence Data Entry Workflow — thePRACTICALba
If you are not using CamCard to capture Business Cards, you are wasting valuable time. 
I just installed it the other day and it is pretty amazing: Take a photo, and CamCard scans in the card, does OCR magic, and add it to your contacts. Fast and easy. And you can hand the card back to your client.
One down side: it does not do two sided cards. But it is free to start.
Truer words…
In a few minutes a computer can make a mistake so great that it would have taken many men many months to equal it.
Quotations by unknown authors