Get and Stay Motivated, FM and Dropbox, FM and REST
James Clear on How to Get and Stay Motivated
Do you have trouble getting and staying motivated? Does it seem like everything you read or watch works for a short while and then just fades away? Then you might need to know the science behind getting and staying motivated.
James Clear really researches his posts, finding the science to back up what he writes. One of his best last year was on the scientific way to get and stay motivated:
This isn’t going to be some rah-rah, pumped-up motivational speech. (That’s not my style.) Instead, we’re going to break down the science behind how to get motivated in the first place and how to stay motivated for the long-run. Whether you’re trying to figure out how to motivate yourself or how to motivate a team, this page should cover everything you need to know.
Below is a sneak preview of what is covered in each of three sections, just in case you wanted to poke around. I recommend reading the whole post, however, as there are nuggets of gold in every section:
I. Motivation: What It Is and How It Works
II. How to Get Motivated and Take Action
- Schedule Your Motivation
- How to Get Motivated (Even When You Don’t Feel Like It)
- How to Make Motivation a Habit
III. How to Stay Motivated for the Long-Run
If you are looking for more information on motivation, check out the long list of posts/articles at the end of the post. There’s something for everyone there.
Get Motivated in a Practical Way
Know that you know all about getting and staying motivated, why not put it to use? Connecting FileMaker to web services is becoming more and more important. Below are two great posts about using the free BaseElements plugin to connect to web services. Use your new-found motivation to learn how to do it.
Source: Motivation: The Scientific Guide on How to Get and Stay Motivated
BaseElements, FileMaker, and Dropbox
Salvatore Colangelo of Goya has a series of blog posts with downloads (not free, btw: you’ll need to sign up as a sponsor of the plugin for access) about connecting FileMaker to web services using their free BaseElements plugin. The first in the series shows how to integrate with Dropbox, and explains how to make a folder and add a user to that folder, all from FileMaker.
Thanks to Colangelo’s scripting, it’s easy to do and, more importantly, easy to learn. I made an ‘App’ following Dropbox’s instructions, generated a token, copied it into the downloaded FileMaker File file, and pulled a complete list of all my folders on Dropbox. It took maybe 5 minutes, including reading the instructions.
The next step is to learn the process by studying the well commented scripts, followed by sharing a folder to a user. Then take what I learned and integrate it into my FileMaker project management solution.
I’m a Sponsor
For what it’s worth, I signed up to sponsor BaseElements plugin a couple of months ago. Not only do you get access to lots of free files, you can get Grade A technical support from Nicholas Orr, as well. His support saved me hours of time, and is worth every penny.
FileMaker and REST with a Free Downloadable example file
Mason Stenquist of DB Services writes about integrating FileMaker with REST, and provides six and one half minute video showing how. Stenquest uses the free BaseElements plugin to set headers (BE_HTTP_Set_Custom_Header) in conjunction with other BE functions such as BE_HTTP_GET, BE_HTTP_POST, BE_HTTP_PUT_DATA, and BE_HTTP_DELETE.
There is a free downloadable example file at the link above also (registration required). But it’s worth the occasional promotional email to get your hands on the file (I signed up).
An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn’t happen today.
Laurence J. Peter
US educator & writer (1919 – 1988)