FileMaker Talk Interviews Don Clark, Persuasion, Barcodes, and Golfing for Drones
FileMaker Talk Interviews Don Clark
Matt & Matt talk about DevCon 2016 and all the cool things they saw and learned. Matt Navarre talks with Don Clark and Jesse Barnum.
Listen to the whole podcast episode because you’ll learn and be entertained…but if you want to jump right to my interview, it starts at the 12:00 minute mark.
Book Learnin’
- The concept of privileged moments, identifiable points in time when an individual is particularly receptive to a communicators message
- Channeled attention: the human tendency to assign undue levels of importance to an idea as soon as one’s attention is turned to it
- How attentional focus turns to perceptions of causality. This chapter will blow you mind., and could keep you out of jail, to boot.
- Learn how the various Commanders of Attention, Attractors and Magnetizers, work
- The Primacy of Associations
- And much more
I first learned of this book while reading Scott Adams’s (of Dilbert fame) blog. Scott Adams’s blog focuses on persuasive techniques and much more, and is always worth reading. His predictive skills, based on his knowledge of persuasive techniques and his training as a hypnotist, are incredibly accurate.
For example, he predicted that Trump would be the Republican nominee over a year ago, and explains how he arrived at that conclusion by analyzing the campaigns from the perspective of persuasion. By the way, Adam’s officially supports Hillary Clinton.
Why use Barcodes?
Whether it’s asset/inventory management, document tracking, or for event management purposes, integrating barcodes has a lower cost barrier than people may think, and the efficiency gained far outweighs any initial cost.
Klenk presented at DevCon 2015 on the technical aspects of using barcodes, so he know of what he speaks.
Source: Using barcodes to improve your business | MainSpring
Golfing for Drones
Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.