FileMaker Developer Interview Christo Lowe – Excelisys
FileMaker Developer Interview Christo Lowe – Excelisys, AKA “Christo”
Christo is the founder of Excelisys, which is located in South Bend, Indiana (Home of the Notre Dame Fighting Irish!).
Attention FileMaker Developer Business Owners: Learn from Christo about taking your business to the next level in this video.
Christo started as a FileMaker Developer in 1986. He got his start at the University of Notre Dame in Graphics Design and Database Tracking, and it took off from there.
Check out the timeline list of topics below the video!
Moved to California (2 Minutes 44 Seconds)
Christo worked as the digital librarian for Dinamation Int’l., who designed and built robotic dinosaurs. Jurassic Park movie sparked the business for Dinamation, and one of the scientists that worked on the film was also working for Dinamation.
Christo wrote a db solution to track all of Dinamations assets that they created for their traveling shows/exhibits and their licensing.
Founded in 2001 (3 Minutes 33 Seconds)
along with Geoff Ryle
- Now Five Partners:
- Doug West
- Greg Furry
- Kurt Knippel
- Rick Middleton
- Christo, Founder
You have to let go of developing to run the company (4 Minutes 34 Seconds)
- FileMaker 60% of their Business
- Web App Development
- Integration
- WordPress™
- Fix Existing Websites
Remember to Focus on the Marketing side of your Business (6 Minutes 18 Seconds)
Don Clark, FM Database Consulting and
New Solutions being Released at DevCon (8 Minutes 46 Seconds)
- Biz Tracker 5
- (Jumpstart Solution for Inventory, Invoicing, CRM)
- eVal-Tracker
- (HR Solution for setting Employee Goals, Evaluations, and Charting)
- Coming Soon:
- Trucking Tracker (Logistics)
- Rental Tracker (Forecasting)
Christo has built a good team of remote employees who like to have fun and they work very well together. (12 Minutes 25 Seconds)
- “ExCon” Excelisys Conference
- 4 days
- All Employees Fly In
- Company Sponsored
Remote team tools they use (14 Minutes 18 Seconds)
- Slack™
- Basecamp™
- GoToMeeting™
- Creating their own in
- Sugar Suite™
Give us YOUR feedback on your favorite remote communication tool and why you like it. Leave your comments below this video.
If you are only looking for business in your own backyard, you are missing a whole new market out there. (15 Minutes 55 Seconds)
Remote Desktop Communication is the Key to Expanding your Clientele (16 Minutes 51 Seconds)
- Zoom™
- Join.Me™
2016 Devcon Session (22 Minutes 14 Seconds)
- Tips and Tricks •
- Hands on because you can doesn’t mean you should •
- Drag and Drop •
- Creating Audit Trails-when to use it and when not to •
- Portals •
- Progress Bars •
- Stealth Buttons •
- Popovers •
Look for Them Next Year
________________________________ (23 Minutes 24 Seconds)
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Wrap up:
“Christo” (24 Minutes 46 Seconds)