FileMaker and REST, What Truly Matters, FM Go
FileMaker and REST
Make Time for What Truly Matters
When life becomes too busy, you’ll discover a need to simplify, if only because you are losing touch with the things that matter most to you. It’s actually pretty easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of work and life and then realize you are not paying enough attention to those things that do matter.
Henrik Edberg (Positivity Blog) offers up six questions to ask to help you focus each day on the things that truly matter:
1. What are the top 3 most important priorities in my life right now?
2. What are the 1-3 most common distractions that keep me from doing my work in a focused way?
3. What are the 1-3 most common distractions that keep me from having quality time with the people closest to me?
4. What is one healthy limit I can start setting in my life this week?
5. How can I minimize or eliminate one thing I may have missed?
6. What is one piece of unnoticed or misused piece of free time during my regular day?
Edberg offers solid steps to help you focus on the right areas and to bring some sanity back to a crowded schedule.
Steps I need to put into effect again: Turn off all of the notifications from social media, email, and instant messaging when focusing on your work. And don’t forget to silence your phone, as well. I’ve done these things in the past, then get sucked into bad habits over time, and find myself too distracted to be effective.
Do you have a handle on what’s important to you? If not, click the link below.
Source: 6 Quick Questions to Help You Simplify and Free Up Time for What Truly Matters
FileMaker Go 15 15.0.4
When you weren’t looking, version 15.0.4 of FileMaker Go appeared, fixing three issues:
- Local files performing a task (such as running a script) could have been damaged if the user canceled re-authentication after switching back to FileMaker Go.
- Continuous-feed printers did not cut the paper at the specified length.
- FileMaker Go didn’t open files that contained certain Unicode characters in iOS 10.3.
Be sure to update and tell your clients.
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.
Bill Gates (1955 – ), Business @ The Speed of Thought