FileMaker 17 Development Features

FileMaker 17 Development Features

Have you heard enough about FileMaker 17 yet? There’s certainly no shortage of articles, videos, walk-throughs, etc. about FileMaker 17 and we’ve certainly contributed to the information overload. There’s just so much to discuss, show and brag about with the new platform. FileMaker, Inc. has introduced new, modern and evolving ways to develop custom apps to solve both common and complex business operations issues.

But we get it, it’s difficult to process the new features all at once. So we thought it would be helpful to summarize the new features of the FileMaker 17 Platform in one succinct infographic. The infographic is by no means comprehensive, but certainly captures some of the remarkable nuances of the tool. Given that FileMaker, Inc. generally releases a new product version annually, it’s nice to keep track of its evolution.

The most notable change to the platform is that it reflects a consolidation of FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Go, FileMaker WebDirect and FileMaker Pro Advanced into one product – The FileMaker 17 Platform. Essentially, FileMaker Pro Advanced is the new desktop and so right out of the box every user has access to all of the advanced features that were once only available to FileMaker Pro Advanced users. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, with great power comes great responsibility. This change is significant because it has implications for the controls and protections over your applications. Generally, we advise that an administrator, someone who is knowledgeable and conscientious about the system, maintain the highest level of control over it. You don’t want too many chefs in the kitchen.


In addition to access to advanced functions, FileMaker 17 users are able to develop engaging apps efficiently.

Design in intuitive, modern and scalable ways.

And, you have more ways to deliver data to internal and external users.

Download our FileMaker 17 Platform Infographic to keep a high-level overview of the tool right at your fingertips.

Find more developer resources.

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