FileMaker 15 Non Bug Bug Fixes
Many thanks to Andrew Duncan for tracking down non bug bug fixes that apply only to FileMaker 15:
Another thing happened shortly after FileMaker v15 was released – I started getting notifications from the FileMaker Community letting me know that product issues that I had previously reported with FileMaker Pro/Go v14 had been fixed in v15 (here’s an example). I’ve been pretty good at reporting product issues as they arise via the official FileMaker Inc site over the years – often all you’ll hear back is that the issue has been confirmed and sent to Development for review, but at least I know that FileMaker Inc. are aware of the issue and it will hopefully be fixed in a future update.
After receiving over half a dozen of these notifications I started to wonder how many bugs were fixed in v15 and if there was a list of these. A quick look at the FileMaker Pro v15 Release Notes showed no list of bugs that were fixed in this release. FileMaker Inc. haven’t released a list of bug fixes for many years unfortunately – I remember back in the 2000’s getting a nice list of bug fixes with each new version of FileMaker Pro that was released. Knowing which bugs have been fixed is important to both developers and customers – we can remove workarounds that we put in place or we can release new features knowing they are now going to work in situations where they didn’t work before.
I then thought I would search the list of Product Issues for ones that had the same update as my notifications, e.g. “This issue has been addressed in FileMaker Pro 15”, “This issue has been addressed in FileMaker Go 15”, etc. A quick search of the FileMaker Product Issues for these patterns found over 15o matching results – a substantial number by any measure and an indication of the effort the FileMaker engineers have put into this new release. Whilst the list of new features isn’t as “meaty” as previous releases it’s great to see soo many bugs being fixed in one release – it would be great if there was an easier way to review these without having to do searches in the FileMaker Community.
Note: I bolded the above line for effect.
I am glad FileMaker fixed these problems (bugs), but I agree with Andrew Duncan. These fixes were originally posted as bugs, and subsequently fixed. Let the community know the process works, and make it easy for developers to find that these issues have been resolved. That prevents work arounds and lost time for developers, and adds a level of trust between FileMaker and it’s user base. Seems like common sense to me.
Until then, you can find the list of bug fixes here.
And read Andrew Duncan’s entire post for his views on the process and for FileMaker’s journey to Software as a Service (SAAS). It’s worth it.
Source: The Hidden New Features of FileMaker v15 | Databuzz
May 24, 2016 @ 9:33 am
thanks for addressing this topic at all. For many years, philmodjunk did kind of a community service for free by collecting all reported bugs, most of them he checked by himself, sent his feedback to FMI Tech-Support and finally provided us a FM Database called the “knownBugsList”.
Phil is absent for unknown reasons since more than a year.
His great contributions and services have always taken for granted.
Though this is a feature request which doesn’t leave much room for discussions.
Bug Report inventory AND Bug fix protocol by FMI