Control with hand gestures, Hover Camera, and Dropbox

Check this out!  Claus Lavendt of DataManix is working on a FileMaker solution that will work with hand gestures over the screen–no touching necessary!

I can see uses by mechanics, oil jobbers, and construction workers. Or just about any job that requires getting your hands dirty all the time, for that matter. Get the data entered with no need to wash or wipe off your hands repeatedly.

And the wow factor is off the charts!

And watch DataManix for some big news next week.

Source: Fun with FileMaker – Control with the gestures of your hand | The Brain Basket

Narcissism reaches new heights (literally): The Hover Camera will follow you around in the air and record your entire life

I like this:  Dropbox will soon show all your cloud-based files right in the desktop

I use Dropbox for FileMaker Backups from servers and my system, as well as for client file sharing, and much more.  This feature will save time and hard disk space.

Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.  Benjamin Franklin

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