Catching Up

My apologies for not posting enough…I’ve just been very busy, and I don’t like to post just anything – Don.

Integrating Inventory with FileMaker – Redux

I was supposed to blog about my FaceBook Live interview with Daniel Shanahan (New Leaf Data) from this past Tuesday.  But the software I am using now, Ecamm Live, had a funny little twist after an upgrade, and Daniel’s audio had very bad echoes. After a troubleshooting session with my buddy, Robert Kwasny (thanks, Robert!), we are doing a second interview this morning at 11 EDT on FaceBook Live.  I’ll post the video on Youtube and here as soon as I can.

Update on my son, Jon, coming soon

Jon is doing better and better – there is a lot to share.  Ineed to devote a whole post to it, though, so it will be another week or so. In the meantime, here’s a photo of Jon on his new trike as a teaser:

Jon on his new three wheeler bike

There’s a lot of good news to share.

Free FileMaker Example Files

The list of Free FileMaker Example Files reached a new milestone this week:  59,500 views!

There are 335 free files up there now – the best place to find Free FileMaker Example files on the web!

And don’t forget, you can share any free files you know about.  Just visit the page and click Add to List. I’ll curate your post as soon as I am able.

Delayed Gratification

It turns out that one of the most important indicators of success has to do with delayed gratification.  If you learn to  delay gratification – and it is a learned experience – you will increase your ability to succeed at whatever you try.

How do you learn to delay gratification?  As usual, James Clear has some very useful suggestions, all backed by pretty solid research:

The studies above do make one thing clear: if you want to succeed at something, at some point you will need to find the ability to be disciplined and take action instead of becoming distracted and doing what’s easy. Success in nearly every field requires you to ignore doing something easier (delaying gratification) in favor of doing something harder (doing the work and putting in your reps).

But the key takeaway here is that even if you don’t feel like you’re good at delaying gratification now, you can train yourself to become better simply by making a few small improvements. In the case of the children in the study, this meant being exposed to a reliable environment where the researcher promised something and then delivered it.

You and I can do the same thing. We can train our ability to delay gratification, just like we can train our muscles in the gym. And you can do it in the same way as the child and the researcher: by promising something small and then delivering. Over and over again until your brain says, 1) yes, it’s worth it to wait and 2) yes, I have the capability to do this.

James Clear’s writing style lends itself to easy reading and comprehension.  And he offers up 4 easy ways to learn how to delay gratification in his post.

Never give up and never stop grinding.

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