Business Minute #3
In yesterday’s Business Minute, I covered the DISC personality test – how to determine where you fit on the grid and how to tell where others fit. Today we’ll apply some of that knowledge. For a more in depth look, follow this link.
Understand the DISC type. They are quite simple and thus easy to use. Then play to the person’s preferences and overall type.
With Dominant people
- Build respect to avoid conflict
- Focus on facts and ideas rather than the people
- Have evidence to support your argument
- Be quick, focused, and to the point
- Ask what not how
- Talk about how problems will hinder accomplishments
- Show them how they can succeed
Tomorrow’s focus: Influential people…
Be wary of the man who urges an action in which he himself incurs no risk. ~Joaquin de Setanti#Leadership
Advanced Features of FileMaker Pro 12 Advanced
If we doubted our fears instead of doubting our dreams, imagine how much in life we’d accomplish. Joel Brown #Insp…