Apply for a Devcon 2015 Scholarship – Thorsen Consulting
If you haven’t been to a Devcon before, and are willing to write an essay about why Thorsen Consulting should send you, read on:
As a developer, trainer, recruiter and coach in the FileMaker industry I know that the number one problem facing our industry is lack of qualified developers. We need more talented developers to build great solutions and to leverage the solutions that are already out there.
I am currently working with 5 companies who would like to hire a highly skilled technical lead today and I can’t find any takers. Well–lucky for talented developers you’re probably already busy so one of the areas I believe we need to invest in is hiring new talent (thus my JumpStart program).
The year my career as a FileMaker developer took off was the first year I invested in attending FileMaker’s annual Devcon (anyone remember Monterey?). Knowing that the price of Devcon is expensive–and hoping to replicate the success of our colleague Andy Gaunt of FMPug, Cris Ippolite of iSolutions and I decided to sponsor a scholarship.
Starting April 6 and ending on May 1, 2015 we will be accepting applications for anyone interested in winning a free conference pass to Devcon. We will award two free conference passes. The main qualification is this would need to be your FIRST Devcon (we’re trying to bring new people into the community!). Put a few minutes to draft a brief essay starting with “iSolutions and Thorsen Consulting should send me to DevCon because…”
If you’d like to be notified when the applications are open, hear about the winner, or be informed about other JumpStartfm or iSolutions training opportunities and discounts, add yourself to our mailing list. Click here: ADD ME TO THE LIST
Please pass this on to people who you think may be interested. Cris and I will also be offering other discounts on our training classes for anyone who applies.
Apply for a Devcon 2015 Scholarship – Thorsen Consulting.