All About FileMaker Cloud
Learn All About FileMaker Cloud
And you will learn all about FileMaker Cloud courtesy of Richard Carlton, the DIGFM FileMaker User Group, and FileMaker Training Videos.
You’ll find embedded below three great training videos is this post, with only a little commentary. Kudos to Richard Carlton for being the force behind producing all of this great content.
1st Video: Brain Dump for Experienced FileMaker Developers | FileMaker Cloud
This video covers the essentials you need to know as a developer:
- Server side plugins – are they compatible with Linux?
You’ll need Annual Volume license agreements – convert perpetual to AVLA
You can Bring Your Own License (BYOL) with at least 5 connections or use FLT
You must be using 15.0.2 client or higher
iOS SDK works
WebDirect works
FM Go V 15 works
No Active Directory
When to recommend it for your clients
There are only East and west locations for servers in the US for now
Incremental Backups happen every 20 minutes
How to choose an Instance size (what an AWS server is called)
It supports ODBC – Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL
Encryption At Rest (EAR) is required.
SSL is required, and it includes a free 90-day certificate
Passwords are required
And a free Amazon Instance FileMaker Calculator file (link next)
Download the Free Amazon Instance Calculator FileMaker file here
Finally, here is the first video:
2nd Video: Installing FileMaker Cloud on AWS
The next video stars RoseMary Tietge, FileMaker Ninja. RoseMary walks you through the process of installing an instance of FileMaker Cloud. By the way, you may want to check out this reference from FileMaker on the different “Instance” sizes available before starting your own install. And you’ll want to generate a key pair, too.
3rd Video: FileMaker Cloud Performance Testing
There are 8 different virtual server “Instances” you can build (and pay for) with AWS. And, given that it’s much cheaper to pay for at least a year in advance, it’s best to buy the right Instance the first time. This video gets into the gritty detail you need to figure out which Instance is best for your App/Solution/Database. And don’t forget to download theDownload the FM Starting Point solutions with Simulated User Scripts you can use to measure performance.
There’s more…
The three videos above cover most of what you need to know to get started using FileMaker Cloud. The FileMaker Training Video youtube page (where these videos live) has more to share on this subject–uploading files to FileMaker Cloud, for example. Check them out when you need to know more.
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