Alexis Allen is Speaking at DevCon 2015!
Alexis Allen, the first developer to be interviewed by FileMaker Pro Gurus, is presenting at FileMaker Devcon 2015 (Did I mention I’ll be there as an attendee?) on the psychology of interaction design. If you are attending, mark this one as a “must attend”:
Everyone is unique, but most humans share similar basic psychology and cognitive abilities. Understanding how design is affected by the capabilities and limitations of the human mind is key to designing more effective interactions and user interfaces. This session will cover a number of features of perception, learning and behavior, and how they influence or are affected by design decisions. You will learn practical skills you can apply to improve your user’s experiences.
What you should know
Some experience designing FileMaker layouts is helpful but not necessary.
Products & Technologies
- FileMaker Pro
- FileMaker Pro Advanced
- FileMaker Go
What You Will Learn
- How design is affected by human perception
- Important concepts in human memory, learning and behavior
- Tips on how to design around people’s cognitive limitations
- Common pitfalls when designing for the human brain
Alexis Allen will be speaking at the 2015 FileMaker Developers’ Conference in Las Vegas, on the psychology of interaction design.
Source: Speaking at DevCon 2015! – Design FileMaker Pro Developers